You can buy more animals at any point during each level, as long as you have enough money. Cow's milk is worth much more than eggs, so buying a cow costs more gold than buying a chicken, and so forth for the rest of the animals. Some animals produce items, like eggs and milk, that can either be sold individually or put into a machine to create another product. Each farm is in a different climate, so the animals used are different at each farm. There are about 20 levels at each farm, making beating the game anything but a quick process. However, the graphics are 3D and quite well done, so if you can ignore the storyline and focus on the look of the farms, you will have more fun playing. The president of FUN makes several sexist comments, and the looks of the characters are almost as stereotypical as possible.

This kind of disregard for the storyline isn't necessarily a huge flaw, but there are elements which really detract from the overall quality of the game. The end goal is to become president of the FUN by getting the votes of all the farmers you help, but that isn't made clear until about halfway through the game. Rather than explain what the FUN is and why you are supposed to care about it, the game skips over that entirely, jumping in and out with the story when you have completed helping each farm. The FUN is the Farmer's Union Nod, which is a pretty ridiculous name, in addition to being part of the disjointed storyline. The storyline is supposed to make you feel sympathetic for Scarlet's friends because their farms are going under and the FUN won't help them. Scarlet is asked to assist her five friends on their farms, which are located all over the world. The farming theme is completely unique and offers a different style of play than typical games of the same genre, while remaining true to the expectations of the task-management game fan. Utilizing only the mouse, you must feed/water your animals, pump water, gather raw materials and use them to make products you can sell. As Scarlet, a young farmer, you must travel the world, helping your other farmer friends in their time of need. Farm Frenzy 3 is an entirely unique spin on traditional task-management games.